I’m a writer, illustrator and philosopher who lives in South Wales in the UK. The main point of this site is to share my ongoing fiction and non-fiction writing, as well as my interests in philosophy, book cover design and self-publishing.

Serial Fiction and Non-Fiction

All book projects will be serialised weekly to paying subscribers. Projects currently include:

Both projects are full-length books, instalments from which are emailed to your inbox weekly. The first few instalments of each book will be free to non-paying subscribers, and you still get a sneak peek at the beginning of each later instalment, in case you are tempted to upgrade. All chapters can read as an email, in your browser, or through the Substack app.

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However, if you are a paying subscriber at the time of completion, then you also receive free ebook copies of finished parts/chapters, and eventually the whole book, which are emailed to you directly, together with instructions on how to upload it to your ebook reading device.

Other book projects will follow once these are finished.

Free Sections

Aside from serialised fiction, all subscribers (paying or non-paying) get free access to:

  • The Ramble. My occasional thoughts on all things philosophical.

  • All Things Self-Publishing. Tips and thoughts drawn from my years of experience as a professional writer, illustrator, book cover designer and formatter.

  • News. General updates regarding all my ongoing actitivies.

The beauty of Substack is that all these things are optional and easy to change. When you subscribe you are automatically signed up to all of these things, but you can opt in or out of any of them at any time.

More About Me

I’ve been involved with philosophy for over thirty years, I’m the author of numerous books on the subject, and I’ve a PhD on the topic of “death” (which has been read by exactly four people, including myself). Below are a selection. You can see more here.

I also write sci-fi (see some titles below), and my novels are just a thinly fictionalised version of my PhD thesis, with most of the boring bits taken out and replaced with robots and people swearing in Welsh. You can view them all here.

Aside from that, I design and illustrate books for a living. You can see more examples of my work, and hire me, on Reedsy.

All fiction (and some philosophy) books are published through WoodPig Press.

If so inclined, you can also connect and chat with me on BlueSky.

To learn more about the tech platform that powers this publication, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to Gareth Southwell

Subscribe for sci-fi, philosophy, serialised fiction and non-fiction, guides to self-publishing and book design, all delivered straight to your inbox.


Gareth Southwell is a writer of philosophy books, a sci-fi author, and a professional illustrator and book designer.