Just a quick update with various Tidelands related things…
New Cover Designs
First up, I just want to share some new book cover designs for the series that I’ve been working on. Overall, I’m very pleased with them, and I think that as well as making the different parts feel more visually coherent, they also suggest more accurately the tone of the books (fun, quirky, dark and weird) and better suit my illustration style.
What do you think? Do you have a favourite? Comments welcome.
Book Launch: Tidelands, Part 3: Stage of Fools
Part 3 of Tidelands – now officially entitled Stage of Fools – is now available as an ebook. This is a little ahead of the final instalment on Friday, so I guess if you’re super eager you can pick one up before then (paid subscribers will receive their own free copy separately). It’s only available as an ebook for the moment, but will eventually also be in paperback when I get some free time (hopefully before the end of the month). Anyway, here’s the link:
A Year in Serialisation
It’s now almost a year since I began this little serialisation experiment. In that time, it feels like the world has joined Substack, so it’s definitely getting harder to get noticed on here. As for whether I’m suited to the weekly serialisation format, or whether it suits me, I’m still not sure. Do you enjoy reading serial fiction or non-fiction? Or do you prefer books? I do enjoy the serial writing process, though it is hard work, and I think I will continue with this and other projects as planned (I still have a philosophy project planned). If you have any thoughts on all of this, please reply or leave a comment below.
Some nice reviews have started coming in, and a particularly nice one from Dr Who Online. If you would like to add your honest opinions to these regarding book 1, that would be much appreciated.
Thank you
And finally, just a quick thank you to those who are and have been supporting my writing, financially or just through your comments and engagement. If you are a paid subscriber, then you will already get exclusive access to the story as it unfolds, as well as free copies of all of the ebook editions as they’re released. If you’re not yet a paid subscriber, you can avail yourself of these benefits here:
Anyway, until next time.
Thank you for reading!